Training Centres
The Training Partners shall set up the Training Centres in the selected Gram Panchayats with the appropriate manpower and requisite and infrastructure. They are required to meet the following criteria:
- A training centre must be part of a registered organization in India with proven training and facilitation credentials in the domain of education/ IT literacy
- After all the documentation is completed by Training Partner, a Screening Committee constituted by CSC-SPV would visit the Training Centre and on receipt of satisfactory report of the Screening Committee, accreditation will be granted.
- Detailed Norms for the Training Centres shall be as per Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) published by CSC-SPV.
All CSCs working with CSC-SPV will be considered as Training Centre and same norms and guidelines as in case of Training Centre will apply to CSCs also.
Role of Training Centres
The training centres are responsible for the following:
- Enrolling the candidates for the course
- Imparting appropriate training to candidates
- Marking the attendance and conducting continuous assessment using the Online Monitoring Application-cum-Learning Management System
- Keeping a record of all candidates enrolled in the course, certifying their attendance and ensuring that the candidates appear for the online examination.
- Training centre shall provide support and assistance for at least two years after the training is over.
- Ensuring achievement of learning outcomes for each candidate.
- Delivery of content through mobile phone is proposed as a supplementary facility which can be accessed by a large number of neo-IT literates to refresh content learnt during the physical training mode.
- Aadhaar no. shall be used to distinctly identify each beneficiary and to avoid duplicity.
- Appropriate on-line reporting mechanism would be put in place by CSC-SPV for reporting/monitoring of the training programs by the partners/ centres in order to maintain transparency.
- The Training Partners/Centres would encourage and mobilize selected beneficiaries to their training centre and ensure successful completion of the training as per norms prescribed in this regard.
- After successful completion of training, the Training Partners/Centres would report periodically, details of persons trained to CSC-SPV.
- The trained candidates shall have to undergo an online examination (as soon as the training is completed) by a recognized certifying agency. Training cost to the training agencies would be released by CSC-SPV only after successful certification of the candidates subject to meeting the prescribed outcome criteria.
- Certification of the trained beneficiaries would be carried out through online remotely proctored examination conducted by nationally recognized Certifying Agencies namely National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT), National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu (ICTACT), Haryana Knowledge Corporation Limited (HKCL), National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD). More agencies having similar experience in conducting online assessments would also be empanelled based on prescribed norms. Efforts would be made to have at least one certifying agency in each State to ensure smooth certification process.